Project FOCUS (Fostering Our Communities Understanding of Science) is a service learning course that gives students opportunities to work in schools to help children and their teachers learn more about math, science and technology.
Students interested in the FOCUS course (EDIS 4425):
- will fulfill upper level elective graduation requirements;
- may register multiple times for credit;
- will gain experience working with K-12 students and to see if teaching is really for them;
- will “partner teach” with an experienced elementary, middle or high school teacher, in a safe, supervised setting; and
- will earn community service hours which are important job applications, or for graduate or medical school applications.
What does FOCUS require?
- You participate in a one-hour seminar each week to discuss your work in the schools and to learn more about ways to work with your students. In addition, you are required to spend at least three hours in your assigned classroom and work with your host teacher to plan activities for your students.
Are there prerequisites?
- You must have completed twelve hours of coursework in the subject you wish to teach.
How to Register
- Talk with your adviser and see how this course fits in your major.
- Determine if you meet the pre-requisites (12 hours completed in either math or science).
- Locate the CRN for EDIS 4425 and register as early as possible. Enrollment is limited.
- Once registered, email to receive a placement form to let us know your choice of subject area and grade level.
- If you have any questions about Focus, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Dr. Miriam Jordan
Room 217C